lørdag den 20. november 2010


Photos by Hanna Liden

I love when I see photos, where I'm not quite sure what I think. I can't decide if I love these photos or if I hate them... And this is in my opinion when photography is best, when it makes you wonder, makes you think and keeps your eyes intrigued.   

fredag den 19. november 2010

Winter Feelings

Photos by Eugenio Recuenco

Wow, that's all I can say. These photos got such a great vibe and are a joy for my eyes.
Chaos is a friend of mine.
- Bob Dylan

This is one of my favorite quotes.

tirsdag den 16. november 2010

A Big Inspiration

Painted by Rico Hvam

These paintings are made by a dear friend of mine and I absolutely love them. I love the combination of fantasy and reality.

søndag den 14. november 2010


I walked down the street the other day, it was very crowded. It was not my own city. But it was in my own country. I love citys, the bigger the better, I love getting lost and finding people and places I'd never be able to imagine I would meet.
I felt small.  
I never really feel either small or big, I just feel like a part of this world, but this day I felt small. I wonder if it was because it was in my own country and I was suposed to know the city-cool-code and I didn't? Or was it because I had forgotten how to adapt to another city than the one I live in, because I haven't been any where for ages? I don't know, but the wonderfull thing is, that it only lasted until I meet with my dear cousin. It's amazing how, when a wierd and bad feeling takes place in your body, all it takes to make it go away, is a hug, a bit of talk and a few minuts with a person you love.  

Graffiti It Up!

Made by Banksy

I find graffiti to be a great inspiration and I really love there pieces. After a few days in Copenhagen it's nice to look at some pictures that reminds you of the diversity there is in a (somewhat) big city.
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.
- Laurens Van der Post

lørdag den 23. oktober 2010

A fantastic song, for the fall, for lighting a few candles and for embracing the weather change.

mandag den 18. oktober 2010


This is one of my favorite fotos, It shows that the road is never ending and that adventure is always just around the corner.

lørdag den 16. oktober 2010

Sometime it's just nice to listen to the old ones, the ones we know did it good and did it right.  I rarely feel as safe, as in the hands of say Bob Dylan. I never get nervous. He's music is good, I don't need to worry about the quality of it. It's safe. Myspace makes me nervous. The music might suck, the quality might be worse, the singer might be great, but the musicians might suck, it's so unsafe, my ears never know what there gona get. For some stormfull days, that, is a wonder and a land of never ending new creativity. But today, on this sunny saturday, wtih the frost just starting to treat the skin and with promises of riped lips, I think I'll wrap my ears in Joni Michell, after all sunny saturdays deserve some quality.

fredag den 15. oktober 2010


I’m walking blind, I don’t know where it’s gonna take me, but I found that it took me home.

The mind

My enemy in dark timesMy hero in the good
You falter so easy, a fragile friend
And I can never quite
Make up my mind about you

You bring me comfort and
You worry me
You bring me close to secrets
You catch me

tirsdag den 12. oktober 2010

The Begining

Usually I have something clever, well maybe not celver, but at least something I've thought about to say. Today, where I've created a place where people don't have to listen, but they have the option, my mind goes blank. That's typical and rare.
So I will tell a bit about what I've seen today. I saw a man. That's not very special, but he was an odd man. He was walking very funny and he was chanting something over and over again. I couldn't make out what it was, but i sounded like: "neejaa neejaa neejaa". He scared me and facinated me at the same time, mind you; this is a very normal tuesday around rush-hour, where everyone is very normal and just politely trying to grab the last non-fat milk, before the slower, and also very polite (now) looser of the milk battle gets it. So this man tricked me out of my normal apathy. He made me want to tell him to behave properly on this very normal tuesday and he made me want to be him. Just for a little while. At least he was drunk enough to do the boogie-woogie in the meat aisle.